Hang on, did you say STAG cheerleading party!? Well of course - it's not just the sigle ladies who can have all the cheerleading fun, and today proved us that the men can also have the moves! Today the team at Lola staffing surprised one of their valued team-members and challenged him to learn a cheerleading routine and perform it with our cheerleaders... in full costume, while they were all watching! We were very impressed by his effort and surprisingly high kicks!
Stag dos don't always have to be about booze, pain and grit! If you want to give your stag a proper send-off, then why not dress him up in a totally inappropriate costume and push him out of his comfort zone with a dance party? There will be photos to remember forever, and most importantly it will be something you can share with the whole family without getting into too much trouble!

We have a number of stag party themes to include: Abba, Thriller, 80s, HipHop, Cabaret and SINGLE LADIES!
All of the themed stag dance parties available are available in two formats : Active Dance Stag Party: This format is for the brave stags: you share the experience with your stag by being right in the middle of the action. A dance teacher will be teaching you the steps, but you will be the ones performing!
Spectator Stag Party: In this format, you will be able to hire a group of professional dancers or cheerleaders, and put your stag centre-stage of the action while you watch him battle it out with the pros. Of course, you are welcome to join in at any time too!
Categories: Cheerleading, London, Dance Party